It's been awhile since I last posted a blog. A lot has been going on since then.
As most of you know, Ben came home on Monday August 3rd for his two week R&R. I'm very grateful that work let me take off the entire time he was home so that I could spend time with him. I missed him so much.
While he was home we visited friends and family. The first Friday night that we were home we went to Bones, a bar in town, so that Ben could finally drink. The bar bought him a shot since he was home on leave from Afghanistan. Everyone was buying him drinks! He had a great time. The next day, Saturday the 8th, we took his sister, Kari, down to the lake. We went shopping and we all got something new, had ice cream, went Go Kart riding, and Miniature golfing. We all had a lot of fun. That Sunday, the 9th, Kari left to go back to Alaska and me and Ben got our pictures taken that morning! You can check them out at Pam is a great photographer and did a fantastic job!
The 10th we went to our first Cardinal's game together. It was his anniversary present from me. We sat behind home plate in the 7th row behind the green seats! Amazing view!!! And of course what made it even better was that we won 4-0!! Go Cards!!
Tuesday that 11th, we headed down to the lake with Erica and Matt. We were out on the boat almost all day, headed down to the Horny Toad, and Coconuts. Wednesday Erica and Matt left and Ben and I had the condo to ourselves. I made him his favorite meal, spaghetti, and we ate it outside on the screened in porch!! That was probably my favorite part! I can't wait until we have a house and can do that all the time once he comes back. Thursday, his dad came down. We went fishing all morning off my aunts dock and caught lots of fish. Ben and his dad cleaned them and I fried them up and made some mac and cheese and we had them for lunch. Yummy!!
Thursday night we headed home and went to his aunt and uncles house and had some yummy Alaskan fish and what made the night even better was, we watched Big Brother!!! Jason, Shana and the kids came over and Ben got to meet his 2nd cousin Cole for the first time!! He is such a cutie!! (Cole, but Ben is too).
Friday we went back down to the lake with Betsy and Allen. But before we did that, we went and got our passports so that we can go on our honeymoon in Feb!! Yay!! So Friday afternoon we headed down to Betsy's mom's friend's cabin for the night!! We went on a boat ride and then next day spent most of our time on the Jet Ski!! I had a lot of fun!
Sunday we came back home, and enjoyed another night of just me and Ben. Monday we went over and saw his grandparents one more time before he left. We also bought a Wii that day!!! I love that thing!! It was Ben's early Xmas present!
Tuesday the 18th we went up to St Louis, got our hotel room and then headed to the Casino for our first time. I didn't have that much fun so we didn't stay that long. After that we headed back to the hotel, watched some Big Brother, and ordered our favorite pizza, Domino's.
Wednesday morning, the 19th, we got up early and headed to the airport. I got a security pass and went and sat with him until his plane came. Seeing him get on that plane was the hardest thing that I have done so far. Even harder than when he left the first time. Thank goodness there was another Army Wife there that was sending her husband back to Afghanistan as well.
He has been gone for a week and a half now and I must say that after R&R is harder than before. I didn't think it would be since we don't have that much farther to go but it is. I feel more alone than I ever have before. I am trying to stay positive but sometimes it just doesn't work. I'm glad that Tuesday is September so that we only have 2.5 to 3 months left. Also, I will be going down to TN sometime to go and look at houses!!! I can't wait!! I'm hoping to get the paperwork starting on one by the end of the month!!! Hopefully it will be ours by the first of November and I'll get to move in by the middle of that month!!! I can't wait! I'm so ready to get out of this damn town!
Well that's about all I have for now. I hope everyone had a great weekend and has a great week!