This past weekend my best friend Betsy and her boyfriend Allen came down to the house in TN and helped me paint. We painted the office a cream color, the theme in there is going to be Americana. The spare room is painted grey, the theme in there is black and white, That room is really going to be my favorite. Our bedroom is an eggshell white on all the walls except for the wall that the bed goes on. That wall is a creamy green color. Once I get my dark brown curtains in there I really think that the room will come together nicely. The main bath is called "Sea tickle" blue. It is going to be ocean themed. I can't wait for it all to come together.
Let me back the train up just a tad bit... On Wednesday night I got off work and drove to TN. Thursday morning I got up, headed to base, and went to school with my friend Amanda's twin 5 year olds. They were having a fall picnic day or something and since Rich, their dad, is overseas right now and it's hard for her to be in both classrooms at once, she asked me if I would go! When I told her that I could get off work, she told the kids and Austin called dibs on me. It was really cute. Ben is still laughing about that. lol
Anyways... Saturday, Bets, Allen and I got up and got ready to head into town to go eat some food, and go to Lowes to get more paint. Besides painting all day the only other thing we did was meet up with my old roommates parents at the storage shed so that they could finally get her stuff out of there. Everything went well and I now have no ties to her anymore. I am very grateful for that. We just didn't see eye to eye on things. Which is fine, happens in friendships all the time. Lets just say though that I am not at all saddened by the lose of friendship between us.
There is one thing that is still worrying me. The one thing that I am the most afraid of is the unknown. I like to have things planned out, well for the most part anyways. You can just say I'm a little bit of an organizational freak. lol Anyways, I still haven't managed to find a job down there yet and that has me worried. I do get this strange feeling though that God is doing this to me so that when Ben gets home we can spend time together, since we haven't been able to with him overseas. IDK... I guess all I really want to know is that we are going to be okay. I know we will be okay but the one thing that me and Ben said how we wanted to live was comfortably, we aren't asking to be rich, just comfortably. And ONCE I get a job, and yes I will get one just don't know when. lol, we will be able to live comfortably. I know that none of this may make sense to any of you but that is okay. They say blogging is a good therapy thing, so I'm really just doing this to... say it out loud to myself I guess. lol
Well I'm done ranting for now. Not sure when I'll be able to blog again but I will try to as soon as I can. Have a great Halloween!!!!! Trick or Treat!!!
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
I spoke too soon
Well... there won't be as many new beginnings as I thought there would be. I found out today that I won't get to transfer into a branch in November. This has upset me greatly, but it is my fault.... don't ask... I don't want to go into detail. Now the job hunt for another job as begun which has got me thinking "what do I want to do with my life?" and the sad part is, "I don't know." Part of me wants to go into the medical field and become a pediatrician but then again something is telling me no. IDK... I'm just really confused and don't know what to do anymore. And I'm not a fan of being confused.
All I do know is that I'm glad that Ben is coming home next month. I need him now more than ever!
All I do know is that I'm glad that Ben is coming home next month. I need him now more than ever!
Monday, October 5, 2009
New Beginnings
I realized tonight that there are a lot of new beginnings that are happening, or about to happen, in mine and Ben's life. We are getting ready to close on our first house in ten days!! That is super exciting!! We are also going to FINALLY get a chance to have a real marriage. I mean, don't get me wrong, we have a marriage now, but we will finally get to live together and be together like married couples are supposed to. I love being an army wife, that's not what I'm saying, but I do miss my husband. And being a newly wed and them him leaving to go off to war makes it even harder. I see all those other newly married couples out there and get jealous because they have what I want, but I have to keep telling myself that I'm the one that said 'I do' and I can do this. In my opinion, Ben and I have a much better understanding in marriage than most newly weds. (I'm not saying this about all newly weds, I'm just saying compared to others that I have seen). We are both independent people and don't need the other one to lean on. We can do our own thing without the other one if we want and we also really enjoy being together. We also have one thing that most marriages lack nowadays and that is communication! We know now that if we can get through a deployment then we can get through anything!!
Also, for another new beginning, I have started training in the branch at work! I'm excited about this but I'm also a little nervous. Today was a good day and I really did learn alot! There is sooo much more to learn though. I just hope that I end up enjoying working in the branch and that this stuff comes easy to me. After today, I'm feeling good about the whole thing, but it was still just day one. Hopefully by the end of the week I will have a better feel for the whole thing. I must say though, I am going to miss working in the district office. I really enjoyed working there, especially with everyone in the office. But... I'm not afraid of a challenge and I'm going to do my best to learn as much as possible before I move and hopefully get transferred. ☺
This past weekend was a very relaxing weekend!! I went shopping for some new work clothes, which I haven't done in a long time, and found some really good deals!! And of course, I found some new stuff for the house too! hehe!!
However, while I was out, I couldn't pass up this cute little sweater and coat for Rascal!! He got his hair cut Friday and is almost completely shaved bald! lol So since it is getting cold out I decided that he needs a coat to go outside in and a nice sweater to wear when we go places!! lol I know, I'm a total dork! lol Enjoy the pics!
Well... I think I have said enough for one night. lol I hope everyone has a wonderful week!!
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Confusion, Stressful, ahhhh
I don't know where to even begin. There is so much that has happened in the past two days that my head is spinning and I can't get it to stop.
To sum up the work thing, we all have jobs still, just not the same as we had before. We either have a new job title or we are doing different things with the same title we had at the beginning of the week. I am very grateful for this and it couldn't have come at a more perfect time because if I wasn't moving to TN then a good friend of mine would have lost her job, and that would have sucked big time since she just bought a new house. So therefore, I'm very grateful that they decided to do this now, instead of earlier this year.
There is one thing about this whole "work thing" though that is bugging me. I found out from another friend of mine that someone that I work with knew about this whole thing yesterday but mad me believe that she didn't know. I'm not sure if I believe this, I'm not really sure what to believe anymore. I don't want to think that I have been lied to but... ahhh I just don't know. All I know is that I am a very honest person, I hate lying, and all I expect is the same from people. I just don't understand why people have to lie, I mean really? Where does that get you? It gets you into more lies and more lies after that is where it gets you.
So on top of all of that, I am confident that I can get the PT job with Citi open in KY, which I really want so that way I will have time to spend with Ben when he comes home and once a full time position comes available then I will shoot for that. Plus this job will at least get me down there. I may have to take a pay cut, which I'm not happy about, but at least it is a job right?
On a more positive note, Ben is finally back in his normal base over there so I have gotten to talk to him the past three days!! I have missed hearing his voice so much!!! He has also let me go ahead and get the new computer desk we are wanting to get before he gets home!! yay!!! All the other new furniture we are going to get when he comes home because he wants to be here for that, which I completely understand. I love him so much and I can not wait for him to finally be home again where he belongs.
Other than all that drama, nothing else is going on. We close on our house in 14 days!!! Can't wait!!! Rascal, however, keeps getting sick. Not sure why, it might be a side affect to the medication he is on so I'm going to call the vet tomorrow and ask them what they think is going on. Hopefully my poor baby is okay.
Well I think I'm done chit chattin for now. I hope everyone has a great weekend!!!
To sum up the work thing, we all have jobs still, just not the same as we had before. We either have a new job title or we are doing different things with the same title we had at the beginning of the week. I am very grateful for this and it couldn't have come at a more perfect time because if I wasn't moving to TN then a good friend of mine would have lost her job, and that would have sucked big time since she just bought a new house. So therefore, I'm very grateful that they decided to do this now, instead of earlier this year.
There is one thing about this whole "work thing" though that is bugging me. I found out from another friend of mine that someone that I work with knew about this whole thing yesterday but mad me believe that she didn't know. I'm not sure if I believe this, I'm not really sure what to believe anymore. I don't want to think that I have been lied to but... ahhh I just don't know. All I know is that I am a very honest person, I hate lying, and all I expect is the same from people. I just don't understand why people have to lie, I mean really? Where does that get you? It gets you into more lies and more lies after that is where it gets you.
So on top of all of that, I am confident that I can get the PT job with Citi open in KY, which I really want so that way I will have time to spend with Ben when he comes home and once a full time position comes available then I will shoot for that. Plus this job will at least get me down there. I may have to take a pay cut, which I'm not happy about, but at least it is a job right?
On a more positive note, Ben is finally back in his normal base over there so I have gotten to talk to him the past three days!! I have missed hearing his voice so much!!! He has also let me go ahead and get the new computer desk we are wanting to get before he gets home!! yay!!! All the other new furniture we are going to get when he comes home because he wants to be here for that, which I completely understand. I love him so much and I can not wait for him to finally be home again where he belongs.
Other than all that drama, nothing else is going on. We close on our house in 14 days!!! Can't wait!!! Rascal, however, keeps getting sick. Not sure why, it might be a side affect to the medication he is on so I'm going to call the vet tomorrow and ask them what they think is going on. Hopefully my poor baby is okay.
Well I think I'm done chit chattin for now. I hope everyone has a great weekend!!!
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