Saturday, November 21, 2009

Welcome Home

Ben is FINALLY home!!!

His plane landed at 6:20pm last night (Friday, November 20th). What a wonderful feeling. There is no greater feeling in the world than being away from your loved one for so long and then them finally come back home to you. I am grateful for this, this Thanksgiving. I know that being overseas is hard on our soldiers, but at home it's no piece of cake either. I am grateful for all the military wife's, mother's, father's, brother's, sister's, etc. who are at home making things run smoothly, giving their soldier all the support they can while they are fighting for our freedom. Not everyone can be a military wife. I believe it takes a special person to put up with all we have to put up with.

On a happier note... like I said.. BEN IS HOME!!! My wonderful friend, Amanda, went to pick up Ben with me to take pics (even though her hubby doesn't come home for another three weeks). At about 15 min before the plane landed we all went outside. Once the plane touched down the speaker came over the intercom and announced "The Eagles Have Landed!!!" It was too dark, and we were too far away for us to see Ben get off the plane so we waited until the first group got off and was walking up to the hanger, and then we went inside and got our seats for when he came in. The soldiers, dropped off their belongings outside, got into formation, they opened the doors, and in all 278 soldiers returning home marched in. We all went wild!!! The Chaplin talked for about two min and then released them to us. Ben finally found me and I ran up to him! Then made fun of him because I told him we would be on the right hand side at the top and what does he do... looks to the left. lol haha. That's my husband! lol hehe

After 15 min of time with him they had to get into formation again, and then out they walked. They bussed us back to the hanger we parked at and bussed the soldiers back to the hanger where they checked in their weapons. Finally they all walked over to the hanger we were in, got their stuff and we left. We took Amanda back home, saw her kids, and then we headed home to the house Ben had yet to seen.
We get home and as I open the door and turn on the light, Ben picks me up and carries me into our house! What a sweetheart! He was very proud of me. Said that it already felt like home!

Onto another news. I am thinking about going back to school to become an xray tech! I think I will like it and be good at it. It sounds interesting and would be fun to learn. I have talked to a school in Nashville already. They want me to start in Jan. so we shall see. I do want to go back to school to become an xray tech so I will probably start then. The sooner I start.. the sooner I will get to have a career I love.

Well, I believe that is all for now! I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving!!

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