Friday, February 5, 2010

Life's A Dance...

I finished up my first class of my nine month program today with a 93.8!!!! As much as I am excited that I got this grade and it being my first class I was really shooting for a 94.5 or better so that I could have gotten an Academic Excellence pin. Oh well. There are six more opportunities to get that pin and I know I can do it!
It is amazing how much I have learned, and retained in just a four week period. When I started the class on Jan 11 I had no idea what the bones were in the lower extremity or all the things on them, ex: trochanters, condyles, tibial spin, tibial tuberosity, etc. And to top that off I have also learned how to position those bones and all the medical terminology to go with it! The next class, that starts on Monday, is Technique Math! I'm excited about it. I love math! It comes easily to me.

While we are on the subject of school, Ben has started his schooling as well. His first day was this past Monday. He is attending Everglades University Online to receive his Bachelors in Aviation Technology with the hopes of being an air traffic controller once he is finished. It is one class a month for the next three years and they will work with him while he is deployed. Right now he is taking Aviation History and loves it! Last night while he was reading his book he would look up at me and say "Did you know..?" This happened about four or five times. It was so cute and I'm so happy that he is enjoying this class. I have learned alot about aviation already too! lol

Other than school, nothing too exciting is going on. My sister is getting married in a couple of weeks so that will be fun! She may even be moving down here so you can only imagine all the fun we are going to have. lol haha. jk Robin. Love ya. lol We have also heard rumors that Ben will be deploying again around Feb of next year. We knew this was going to happen but it sucks that they have already started talking about it and they haven't even been home three months. Even though I've already started the pre-deployment crying (I know, I'm a big baby) I am going to enjoy the time I have with Ben this year and not take one single moment for granted cuz I know Feb 2011 will be here before I know it.

Well I hope everyone has had an amazing year so far and that it only keeps getting better for you.

"Life's a dance, you learn as you go." John Michael Montgomery

1 comment:

  1. This gave me chills. I am very proud of you guys and you have an amazing marriage. Keep your chin up girl! Love ya


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